Tuesday, January 15, 2008

American Idol

American Idol starts tonight, I'm excited. The only part I really like is the auditions because then I can say to myself, "Well, at least I'm not as bad as them." Which I suppose is mean of me but... well... I'm really not planning on changing.

More posts after AI, and more about You Can't Take it With You.

~Enna Isilee


Anidori-Isilee said...

My younger brother might be watching this; I can't say for sure. He says that he thinks the auditions are funny because the people are talentless.

It's not mean, Enna Isilee; it's a confidence booster. ;-)

Or not...I mean...they're confident enough to audition...Are you? ;-)

Q said...

Don't worry. They're meant to be laughed at.

As far as I know, the judges let the really good people and the really BAD people on the show. So if I were ever to try out for AI, I would do a terrible audition (which is inevitable for me, but I would really try to make it bad), get on the show, and knock them dead. With surprise.

Jessica said...

Auditions are definitely the funniest part ;D I hope I can watch American Idol here...maybe...

Q said...

You might be able to find it online, Bohae....or perhaps illegally on YouTube.